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The statutory consultation period over the controversial River Thames Scheme, which impacts Teddington, will run for six weeks from tomorrow (January 22) until March 4, it was announced today.

The Scheme is being developed by the Environment Agency and Surrey Council in partnership with other local authorities and interested parties.

It claims to represent a new landscape based approach to creating healthier, more resilient and more sustainable communities and addresses the challenges of flooding; creating more access to green open spaces and sustainable travel routes.

Once built, the flood channel will be considered in legal terms to be a ‘flood defence’ structure and it is intended that it will also be a ‘main river.’

In terms of Teddington there will be capacity improvements at Teddington weir to increase the amount of water that can flow through them by installing more gates that can be opened when river levels rise.

You can have your say by:

  • Completing the online feedback form:
  • Completing the paper feedback form: Available at the public consultation event and returning to the the address.
  • Writing a letter to : FREEPOSTY RTUK – RBLY – XUBT, River Thames Scheme, 5, First Street, Manchester, MI5 4GU
  • Sending an email to:

Virtual events are taking place:

Monday 29th January  19.00-20.30

Thursday 1st February  19.00-20.30

Monday 12th February 19.00-20.30

Sunday 18th February   10.00-11.30

Thursday 22nd February 19.00-20.30

You can see more details about the Scheme here:



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