Cricket Taster Training Session


10:30 - 12:00



Event Type


This is a wonderful opportunity for new members, who maybe haven’t played much cricket before, to get a taster of what we do at Teddington CC whilst getting great coaching support, in small class sizes, surrounded by players at a similar stage of development with similar motives and interests. We accept it can sometimes be daunting to be thrown into the deep end, especially alone, into a well established team environment. These taster sessions are set up with the aims of:

– Giving new players the basics of skills to allow them to then join the “regulars” group in matches and training after being more prepared
– When players transition from taster group to full members, that they go already know a few other players so they can join more comfortably with support from new peer group
– To give players the opportunity to “try before you buy” and hopefully enjoy their connection with a strong and successful community sports club.

Teddington Cricket Club
