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Mela Mela celebrates anniversary

EventsMela Mela Vintage is a popular clothing shop that brings a splash a colour and dash of vintage charm to the high street.

To celebrate the shop’s two-year anniversary and the launch of their new website they are hosting a party on Saturday 12th June from 4-9pm.

If you haven’t yet been to the shop then you are most welcome to browse the wonderful treasure trove of clothing with a glass of bubbly in hand, just like in the 1950s boutiques that the shop is designed to emulate.

Die-hard fans are encouraged to dress vintage on the day for a change to win a prize for the best outfit. As well as 10% off their first purchases, guests will also enjoy a raffle for a gorgeous 1950s vintage beaded bag and bubbly and nibbles for everyone and their guests.

Mela Mela will also be drumming up support for their on-line charity auction of an original Christian Dior coat with all proceeds going to Fara Children’s Charity

Those with little vintage fans in tow will also be pleased to hear that there’s a sale across the road at Tedds children’s clothing store.

Mela Mela Vintage
74 High Street


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