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NPL helping to create new scientists

NPLIn addition to being the UK’s leading measurement research laboratory, NPL also strives to help educate our future generation of scientists.

NPL Academy gives GCSE students a real taster of work at the NPL. This Academy was introduced in 2008 to give GCSE students and A Level students a structured opportunity to get the most out of a week’s worth of work experience at one of the UK’s leading scientific establishments.

The Academy is validated by Richmond Education Business Partnership and the scheme has also won awards (Institute for Education Business Excellence, Business in the Community) – some participants return to NPL as university summer vacation workers and GAP (General Activities Programme) placements.

Typically 30-35 students are accepted but competition for these places is intense – usually averaging about 4 applicants per place. The deadline for applying is the 31st of January 2011.

NPL also holds an annual competition for schools or independent teams to create their own science film – participants have the chance to win £500 for their school (£300 for other teams).

Registration for the 2011 event will open shortly but fear not, you will have until September to submit the first cut of your film.

Entries from the 2010 competition can be seen here:


Elsewhere the more grown-up scientists at NPL have been working hard on many projects including performance-monitoring magnetic nano-hedgehogs, NPL’s first iPhone App and is part of a consortium that helped develop the Megaframe Imager – capable of capturing up to a staggering million frames per second!


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