Latest NewsRichmond Council

Library services for the housebound

NewsLibraries in the area have a special home delivery service for residents of the borough that are housebound due to age or infirmity. This can be because they are totally housebound, can’t get to their local library and/or if they do not have any neighbours or friends who can visit the library for them.

These residents are visited once a month by a volunteer who will deliver items. Most readers get through 6 to 8 books a month. They will be able to give the volunteer any messages for the library staff who choose their books. There is no charge for any part of this service.

Residents can receive any of the following whilst using this service:

  • Novels in normal or large print, hardbacks and paperbacks
  • Non-fiction books
  • Books on hobbies and interests
  • Books on health and your rights
  • Books on history and travel
  • Music compact discs
  • Unabridged story tapes and compact discs (restricted to readers who cannot manage printed books)
  • Videos
  • DVDs

All that has to be done to receive this service is to ask for more details at your local library, get a neighbour, friend or relative to ask at the library for you, ring up your local library: (020 8734 3304 for Teddington) or if you prefer, write to your local library giving your name, address and telephone number.

Teddington library currently has vacancies for housebound clients, so people will be welcome to get in touch if you think that they, or someone they know, would benefit from this service.


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