Healthier Teddington: the food revolution
Teddington health and fitness expert Chris Hipsey has been signed up as a Jamie Oliver Food Ambassador to help in Jamie’s Food Revolution.
Chris is the founder of Plan B Fitness Camps has also just launched the Healthier Teddington Initiative which is a free online tool with workouts, nutritional plans, recipes and education resources with the hopes that it will encourage people to get fit and eat healthy.
Chris: “15% of adults in Richmond Borough are currently classed as obese, the Healthier Teddington Campaign alongside Jamie’s Food Revolution can help combat this obesity epidemic. In 2013, I will be doing everything possible to make it a success in Teddington and I’d like to ask anyone from the community who cares about our food and our future to contact me to find out how they can get involved.”
The Food Revolution is a global movement that allows people who love food to come together to share information, talents and resources and also to pass on their knowledge and highlight the world’s food issues. The Food Revolution is about connecting with community schools, restaurants and local businesses and inspiring change.
Jamie Oliver “This is all about people power. If enough of us stand up and say that we care about where our food comes from and that we demand better food education for our children, then the governments of the world will start to listen. Ambassadors like Chris Hipsey are doing an incredible job on the ground working towards a Food Revolution and they are the ones who will make Food Revolution Day on Friday, May 17, 2013, that much stronger”.
National statistics released by the NHS shows obesity levels in Richmond Borough are over 15% for adults, and over 11% of Year 6 pupils in Richmond Borough schools are classed as obese. Obesity and overweight related illnesses cost the NHS £5 billion a year, and is projected to reach £6.3 billion by 2015.
Plan B Fitness Camp
Chris “It might sound obvious but children who are obese are more likely to be obese as adults, if we install healthy eating and exercise habits at an early age they are more likely to continue that into adulthood.”
Chris is also particularly keen to hear from local chefs, butchers, green grocers, organic food suppliers, fishmongers and garden nurseries based in Richmond Borough who would like to get involved in the Jamie Oliver Food Revolution. They can get in touch by emailing