Teddington School students celebrate best ever GCSE results
Teddington School students celebrated achieving the school’s best ever GCSE results this year.
78% of the students achieved 5 A*-C grades including English and Maths. 57 achieved 8 or more GCSEs at A or A*. 16 students achieved all A* grades in their examinations! In all 40% of all grades were at A* or A which is significantly above the national average.
This year the school gave out GCSE results to excited students and proud parents in its brand new Sixth Form Centre. The Sixth Form opens in September 2014 and the school is delighted that so many Year 11 students have opted to stay at the school to study A Levels in addition to a large number of external students who want to join the school for their post 16 education.
Headteacher, John Wilkinson: “I am absolutely delighted for the students. They have achieved very highly at the school and we are very proud of them. I am grateful for the support of families, staff and Governors in helping make these successes possible. We are all very excited at the school about the launch of the Sixth Form and the other developments at the school in the coming year.”
What great news! Teddington should be proud of its fine students and their excellent school… congratulations all round!