
Teddington Town – Photo of the Week

It’s that time of the week again, if you can keep track of the days during the limbo between Christmas and New Years that is. 

We’ve seen some excellent photos sent in from Christmas to more and more wildlife and excellently composed natural pictures!

Anyway, without further ado, here’s the top 5 photos from this week!

5. This spider will be feeling the frost this year!

4. A very picturesque scene from Siobhan!

3. We had to have a Christmas one in there!

2. I think we can all sympathize with this guy struggling to walk along the slippery paths

1. A worthy winner with some excellent lighting!

Why not give it a go yourself? Tag us in any at @Teddington_Town or simply post the hashtag #TeddingtonPhotos. We’ll be sure to re-post the best ones and you might find yourself in our Photo of the Week blog which goes out to hundreds of locals every Friday.


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