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Recycling Overload In Richmond

Due to everyone being in lock down and more people ordering and buying more food, there has been an influx of rubbish and recycling.

Richmond council have allowed more recycling crews and vehicles to take to the borough’s streets, as there are now boxes, cans, paper, and bottles overflowing outside homes.

This has led to extreme pressure on the service to collect more rubbish than on Christmas. Their vehicles simply don’t have enough space to contain all of it.

Richmond council have stated that their will be more delays and a slowdown in the service but have asked residents to be patient.

The Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee has asked for the resident’s help.

“These are unique circumstances and I am sure everyone agrees that we all need to work together to get through it. We are asking residents to really look at what they can do to reduce the amount that they are throwing away and at the same time please be understanding if your collection isn’t picked up on your scheduled day.”

People have been told to avoid big clear-outs and to hold off on throwing away old furniture and mattresses till the epidemic has subsided.

They have also been told to not burn items or do bonfires as this can cause air pollution and affect the health of a household.

Waste and recycling will be collected at 8pm the night before to 6am on their collection day. Food waste should be separated, and the caddy closed tight. Anyone with infected items should keep those away from other rubbish and disinfected or left for 72 hours in doubled plastic bags.

It’s vital for the safety of other residents and workers for everyone to be patient and helpful during this time.  


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