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What do you love about your area? The Council wants to hear from you!

People are being asked to share their thoughts as the Council works to ensure that local planning will support the strong communities that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, by responding to specific local needs and respecting the uniqueness of the borough.

Richmond Council is carrying out an Urban Design Study to better understand what people value about the different areas of the borough, including building types, heritage, open space and land use. The results will be published and will feed into the borough’s next Local Plan.

The Local Plan informs all planning decisions and the vision for Richmond upon Thames. Its purpose is to ensure that any new development, or plans for growth in the borough, benefit local people; provide the jobs, opportunities, homes, public spaces, shops, services, culture, leisure and educational facilities that they need, whilst preserving our unique heritage and green spaces.

Residents, along with others who work in the borough, or who visit for social and leisure activities, are now being asked to think about their experiences of living, studying, working and socialising in their local areas. They will be asked to share how important various qualities are to them, such as green space, heritage, a sense of community, culture and leisure, retail and hospitality, facilities, cleanliness, sustainability and safety.

Take part in the survey now, before 6 June 2021.

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