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Sam Harris, who went to school in Teddington died while mountain hiking in the Dolomites

The Teddington family of Sam Harris who died earlier this month while hiking in the Italian mountains has launched a fundraising campaign

They are raising money through a crowd-funding scheme for three charities which were close to 35 year old Sam’s heart and in commemoration of his life.

The family had hoped to raise £1000 but nearly £3000 has already been donated by 60 people.

In a heartfelt message the family wrote: “The world lost Sam at the beginning of this year and ever since people who knew him from around the globe have been In touch with the family, sharing stories, offering their condolences, and asking how they might be able to help maybe with expenses etc.

“We would like any donations in the memory of Sam to go to three charities that we know he would have approved of.

“The money will be collected in a pot and then divided between those listed below (however if you would prefer your donation to be received by just one of the 3 listed below, then please message us and we will make sure that is the case.) ”

They are:

1.Doctors without Borders
2. The Alpine Rescue Service
3. St Mungos Homeless Charity

Sam, who attended Teddington School and Collis School, was hiking in the Dolomite mountains with his best pal Aziz Ziriat, 36.  They were last heard from on January 1 but did not check in for their homeward flight on January 6.

Sam’s body was found but Aziz is still missing.

A Humanist service will be held for Sam in Teddington on Tuesday the 4th February 01:30pm at Mary’s Parish Hall, Langham Road, Teddington, TW11 9HF

The family added: “Thank you all so much for all you have done for us and for Sam.

“If we haven’t replied to messages so far, know that we will and we appreciate each and every kind thought and word we have received.”



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