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Richmond Council Is Considering A Special Housing Scheme For Key Workers

The pandemic has shown that it’s important for key workers to live closer to where they’re employed.

Richmond Council is considering introducing affordable housing schemes for key workers.

At the Adult Social Services, Health and Housing Committee, officers said that the pandemic highlighted how important it is for key workers to have accommodation that is close to where they work.

Many keyworkers in London were already accommodated on a temporary basis in hotels and student accommodation closer to their place of work.

Richmond Council have approved for officers to provide marketing plans to key workers on particular schemes and encouraging key workers to take them up.

Officers have also said that they will also consider the where the appropriate location is, nearby facilities, and forms of affordable housing appropriate for keyworker housing.

Not only are they looking for temporary residence and for keyworkers who just want to rent. But are also looking for schemes to help them settle down and buy a home in the borough.

The council hopes to use housing capital programme grant funding to help housing providers buy sites to be converted into more houses and lower rental levels on new build properties.

They hope this will act as an incentive for people under-occupying council homes to downsize and re-let these family sized council homes.


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