

The latest convoy of ambulances, pick up trucks and an Iceland Home delivery van were on their way from their Teddington base tcarrying humanitarian to the frontline in Ukraine set off at dawn today from its base in Cambridge Road, Teddington.

Five second-hand ambulances, costing £30.000 headed off for the 1251 journey carrying over 10,000 meal pouches of venison ragu donated by the Country Food Trust. ( News – The Country Food Trust) which will be delivered to frontline troops and civilians.

The mercy mission convoy is the TENTHorganised by local resident Simon Brake who heads up the fund-raising efforts to purchase ambulances and 4×4 vehicles which are left in Lviv where their future deployment is decided my military commanders and charity chiefs.

In total there are ten drivers who take it in turns at the wheel including the CEO of the Country Food Trust, SJ Hunt.

Simon told Teddington Town: “We are so grateful for the support we receive to enable to make this big difference to those suffering and fighting for their lives in Ukraine. It’s so important that we do not forget about their efforts just because Ukraine is not on the news every evening.”

You can learn more about Mighty Convoy here and get involved or donate at www.mightyconvoy.org or see their work here: https://youtu.be/k2v4znylmz8?feature=shared


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